The best mortgage credit options for buying land

The best mortgage credit options for buying land

Are you looking for a new home but do not find the one that has everything you want and need?

It is very possible that you have visited an infinite list of houses, diferent neighborhoods, new and used houses but, for various reasons, so far none meets your needs.

Imagine being able to buy a lot in a private residence in Mérida like this and build a divine house, with the perfect spaces to design spacious rooms, the spacious kitchen overlooking the garden and the pool ...

Sounds more than perfect ..!

What worries you, however, is that there are no accounts with enough savings to do so right now.


I understand you ...


The good news is that, there are banks that give credits for the purchase of land and also for construction in it.


Another option is to obtain a loan to buy the land with bank credit and constructions with their own resources, with credit or both.

4 Credit options to buy your land

Although there are different banking institutions that give mortgage loans, the following, according to our research, are the ones that have the best products:




• Banorte

All of them handle credits for purchase and construction of land and although they vary in amount and interest rates, installments, commissions, etc., they have the best market conditions at the moment.

Many times we think that the best credit is the one that offers the lowest interest rates, but when analyzing and comparing loans, sometimes opening costs, appraisals, commissions, insurance, etc., can make it more expensive at the end .


Some banks, for example, have timely payment benefits that are very convenient: they decrease the amount of payment or the credit term even if the interest rate is higher.

If you are considering opting for a loan to buy land, it is important that you:


• analyze and compare what costs each credit entails

• Always read the letters "chiquitas" (small printed letters)

• advise you before making this decision

 Our best recommendation is to consult with a professional Mortgage Loan Advisor who works with different Banks

With their experience, iwill help you to do the analysis and to thoroughly review the type of customer you are, (what they call "profiling the customer").

There are variants in credits and according to this, the product that suits you according to your ability to pay, working conditions, etc.

“Crece Asesoria Hipotecaria”, through its director Jorge Olmedo, is an ally of Yucatan Properties in this area.

Several of our clients have received from him a detailed guide to carry out all their procedures and accompany them throughout the process until the signing of the contract.

Final Considerations

Building the house you have always wanted with a loan to acquire land or to build on your own land, is possible through bank financing.

If you are looking for residential  land in Merida, you are in the best hands. Fulfill your purpose for 2017 and open your new and desired residence.

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Cristina Bolio

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margarita blanco
QUiero comprar un terreno en Parque Central, Cholul, y necesito financiamiento en lo que vendo mi depto en Mexico DF. Estaré en Meridas este martes y mierc para ver terrenos. gracias!
Que tal Sra. Margarita,
Espero se encuentre bien,
En atención a su correo, le comento que ahora mismo le mandamos todos la información en privado a su correo.
Saludos cordiales.
Martina Schonfeld
La pregunta del millon: Si uno no es Mexicano ni Residente en Mexico pero pienso en vivir en Merida y comprar mi casa, hay credito en ese caso?Muchas graciasMartina
Hola Martina.Espero estés iniciando una gran año 2017.Una disculpa por la demora en responder tu pregunta, fue un pequeño error que esperamos nos disculpes.Acerca de tu pregunta por la posibilidad de crédito para persona extranjera para compra de casa en México. Este tipo de posibilidades no son muy comunes en México, osea créditos para extranjeros. Por un tiempo BBVA Bancomer por medio de Bank of Texas, tuvo la opción de un crédito para extranjero residente de origen Norteamericano con posibilidad de comprobar ingresos en Estados Unidos; esta opción era la única vigente hace unos meses.Si gustas y me confirmas tu necesidad de verificar esta información de manera actualizada, si me mandas tu correo te podemos poner en contacto con un broker especialista en créditos hipotecarios y con seguridad el te podrá actualizar con la posibilidad de tener un crédito para compra de propiedad en México.Estamos a tus ordenes.Saludos.

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